Details for this torrent 

Civilization IV Complete - Mac - Originals + Patches + Cracks
Games > Mac
4.8 GB

mac os x civilization iv warlords beyond the sword crack patch iso original expansion tiger leopard
+8 / -0 (+8)

Dec 19, 2009

This is the latest version of Civilization IV plus both expansions as of December 19th, 2009.  Included are original media for each game, the following patch levels:

   Civilization IV: 1.74
          Warlords: 2.13
  Beyond the Sword: 3.19

and working cracks for each of them.  The cracks were released on 14-09-09.  I have tested this on 10.4.11.  It probably works on Leopard as well.


Hi! Can't mount "Step 5 - Beyond the Sword" on Macbook Pro Snow Leopard because of checksum error. Ideas? Trying third Civ4 pack from pirate and still can't install...
No idea, it's this file:

Post again if you find a solution.
Hmm... you could always try opening it with Toast.
workes like a charm! finally we are able to play proper multiplayer again!
Where find I the 'Original Files' (see README.txt, Part1: Install the Original Files.)?

When i Install Step 1, the programm said: 'Please insert the original disc.'

Help plz. I'm a stupid noob ;)

What had I:

Double click Step1: And drag Civilization to my apps odner.

Install Step 2 - 4...
When i will install Step 5: There no programm, wich you can update :(

Step 7: the sam eanswer.: I havent' the Civilization app right. Please reinstall.... :(
You have to do all 10 steps in order before it will work, because the cracks are only used in step 10.

If you don't post exact details of what you did, and what your operating system is, it will be difficult for somebody to help you.
@ckecker67: all files for installation are included in this torrent!

step1: it's just copy and paste (copy the civ4 folder included on the mounted Step 1 - Civilization IV.dmg image to your app-folder)

step 2-4: probably you have to choose the civ4 executable manually (it's the one and only executable in the apps/civ4 folder)


good luck!

Thanks for uploading this!

I followed all the steps, and all worked perfectly.

Just FYI: I did have to manually choose the Civ4 application to install BTS and the BTS update.
ok thx very much. It works perfectly. I'm a noob, but i'm happy..... ;==

Thx it's great!
Installed just fine according to the instructions. BTS working ok on my macbook w/10.5.8
It's working great with iMac and Snow Leopard
Excellent! Merry Christmas everyone!
I have done all the steps and in the end it's telling me that I need a CD to play.
I triad with toast and It's not showing as an option.
where did I go wrong?
and if I want to restart jest delete it all from the application?
hatzilo, post the log files created by the 3 cracks. Probably you can just delete everything to start over, but I guess you could use AppZapper to be really sure.
what do you mean by log files
on step 9 where do I drop the Pseudo to? and then jest move all parts of step 10 in to the Pseudo?
Thanks for all the help
Step 9: Mount the disk image, drag Pseudo into /Applications, and then open Pseudo.

Step 10: Drag the crack applications into the Pseudo window. To use each one, you have to select the application by going to /Applications/Civilization IV/ and picking the right game to crack.

For Beyond the Sword, you have to go into the /Applications/Civilization IV/Beyond the Sword/ subdirectory, because /Applications/Civilization IV/Civilization IV Beyond the Sword is just a shortcut. The same applies for Warlords.

When you apply the cracks in step 10, it will either tell you it could not patch the files, or it will report success. If it reports success, it will say "Civilization has been successfully patched" (e.g. for the original game), and you will be able to see a log of the patching process if you click on "see log". What happens when you apply the cracks? Does it report success or failure? If it reports success, what does your log look like? Mine looks like this:

Examining File : /Contents/Info.plist -> OK
Examining File : /Contents/MacOS/Civilization IV -> OK
Data of file : /Applications/Civilization IV/Civilization -> patched
Data of file : /Applications/Civilization IV/Civilization IV -> patched
thank you thank you working grate
one of the bast games
Using 10.6.2 on an nvidia 9400m, everything installed fine, but the world map and leaderheads are broken. Their faces are disjointed or invisible, and the world map distorts into a bunch of colored streaks. Like an old NES game fucking up. Anybody have an idea as to the cause of all this?
does it work on vista?
Seed please =)
i didnt see any steps..whr the heck are the steps
I guess I still don't get it. All the files I have don't show any steps that are mentioned. Where exactly is this file found?
randomshadows: no idea about the video card, but my guess is that it isn't to do with the crack. Apparently the 3.19 update removes the DVD check, so you could always try not applying the cracks and see if that works. Then again, that could be a Windows-only feature.

captaindim: no, it's a Mac game.

gaurabck, timbearden: each file is named with a step at the beginning, and there is also a README.txt that explains them in more detail.

Good luck!
seed please...its taking forever..PLEASE!!
does it work with snowleopard 10.6.2?
seed please!!!!!!!
step five says no program you can can i do
"Failed Loading XML file xml\GameInfo/CIV4PlayerOptionInfos.xml"

That came up when i tried to play, any suggestions?
i'm hiding behind a macbook pro with os x 10.6.2, i get the same error as 619KK619 when i start one of the expantions.
when i start c4 it starts to load but then says:

fatal error
failed initializing python

what to do? i followed the steps without any glitches until start-up.
asonius: one person has reported it working with 10.6.2, see comments

gaurabck: somebody else had the same problem, you have to click on the actual application to install the BTS update. If you want answers more quickly you can always read the past comments carefully.

619KK619, f...o..: Sorry, no idea about what's wrong.

Hi I have draged the civ4 fil to hhd.
step 2 install update 1, once begin installing it says " installation unsuccessful" conatct the software creator? wTF? why whywhy it should the simplest step!
someone has an idea of what i can try to do?
Pseudo don't take the crack... game is asking for the original DVD...any ideas???
MAC OS X 10.6.1


I'm running OS 10.5.8

I followed the instructions from the readme that comes with the torrent... which weren't actually that clear.

I managed to patch Civ IV and Civ IV Warlords, which are working perfectly, except for a bug where you can't see the faces of the leaders properly (just their beards floating in mid air!).

I cannot however get Beyond the Sword working properly. When I open the "Step 10 - Civ4_Exp.140909.UBCracks.dmg" file, and try to use the Beyond the sword updater with the Beyond the Sword app, it doesn't work as normal.

First a window pops up saying:
"iPatch need to change permissions for these files : MacOS

Civilization IV Beyond The Sword"

You then have to allow permission change and enter your system password. After doing this another error window pops up that says

"Error (followed by a few directory paths etc)"

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? BTS is a bit different because it the torrent package didn't come with an actual zip file with cracked file to patch, or did I just miss something major?

Help please!!

Hi guys, sorry, I just packaged up some files that already existed because it took me around 5 hours to find everything I needed. I don't actually know what's wrong. It works for lots of people, so keep trying. There's also lots of tips in the comments so far. I'm going to stop monitoring this torrent, so I hope other users can help you out. If the problem persists, maybe it's simply worth your time to buy it.
Followed all the steps... Snow Leopard... worked fine...

Had to manually choose bts updates though... but besides that... instructions work fine.

For those who can't find them.. they are in the readme.
Works great on my Imac OS 10.6.2
Took a week to download but well worth the wait. Seeding for a while.
Just follow the steps exactly. The readme file helped out a lot.

How did you manually update BTS? can you run me through the steps? I still can't get it working...

Thanks in advance
only beyond the sword wrks for me
the others have weird errors
Nothing works.
i have only error's
can enyone help me?
Works! 10.6.2! Follow the instructions in the readme meticulously! Thank you mudbubble.
.rar files dont open.... any help
I get all the way through steps 1-9 just fine, but when I get to step 10 I get lost. I mount the image and drag the crack files onto Pseudo. Pseudo then tells me it can only open certain files--but they are the file names of the cracks I just dragged on there! I tried dragging the cracks straight from the disk image, I tried dragging the cracks into Applications/Civ IV and then running them, and I tried doing the trick of Get Info on the whole Civ IV folder and changing permissions to Read and Write for Everyone. Nothing works and I have no idea why. I'm running 10.5.8 on a MacBook.
For example, when I try to run the Civ IV crack, this is the message I get: This crack works only with Civilization IV v1.74 build 52473a (

even though that is the file I am trying to open in Pseudo!

I can't Mount ANYTHING on this, nothing, not even packages! Is this happening to someone else?? please help someone! It says "no mountable file systems? and "not recognized" stuff like that. Can someone please please help?
tnx for the share mudbubble & to all seeders as well.
Well I MUST be thick.
Mac G4 Powerbook PPC 10.4.11
I've followed the instructions carefully, and all is well until I go to open the apps. Yes, I checked that the cracks were applied through the log too.
Civ IV will not open:
Kerr CDROMNOTVERIFIED game disc was not found. You must use your original game disc.
Warlord will not open with a similar message.
5{erified explain game disc not found
You must use your original game disc.
However, Beyond the sword opens and runs.
Does anybody our there have any ideas ? I reloaded the patches and rechecked after applying the cracks, but no change.
Help, please.
Hello WJK3
When it says it won't work, close the large window and look for the application in Applications/CIV etc. Find the actual application and open. The program will then start up and apply the cracks. Check the log to make sure it happened, and then hope you don't get into trouble like me.
This is a really good seed and the instructions in the read me file walk you through the installation easily.

A couple of FAQs that I saw, I might as well take the liberty to answer

1) Yes this works on Snow Leopard. I play it on 10.6.0

2) When you install Beyond the Sword, you will have to manually select the Civilization 4 app to install. Leave the subsequent custom settings as they are.

3) NVIDIA cards may be glitchy, but it won't affect your enjoyment too much. Faces of leaders will be invisible (oddly their beards and hats will remain.) When you zoom out too far on the world map, it will get graphically weird (land masses will shift, cities may appear on water etc) but you can zoom out far enough before this happens.

4) This will run on your hackintosh mac. I currently play this on a GA-EX58-UD5 motherboard with a Core i7 processor and an NVIDA GTX 285 graphics card.

5) This game runs on a macbook pro (10.6.2, C2Duo, ATIx1600, 3 yrs old).
i cant get the first step to work, when i click on civilization app it says please insert original disk.... pls help meeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
This torrent requires root access that would be the only possible way to install a virus on a mac... sketchy
seed please!
please seed guys! i cant wait to play this game!! (im downloading at 300kbps only, have mercy)
It works on 10.6.3 (Snow Leopard). Downloaded at between 500 kbps and 1 mbps.

@ Wassup3: You don't open the Civilization application. You open the dmg file, then move the map inside to the applications folder. That's all of step 1.
I was able to ONLY download the original Civ 4 files (none of the expansion crap) and it plays fine.

For you fellow HD space sticklers out there.
please keep seeding!
only downloading between 1 to 120 kb/s
please keep seeding!
only downloading at 1 to 130 kb/s
seed please!!!!!! been DLing for like 8 hours nao and only at 20%
Is this game compatible with 10.5.8 and 1.83 ghz?
Come on, please seed this you fucking cunt. I need this for my butlers birthday, which is tomorrow.
I had a tiny bit of trouble following the instructions in the beginning, but now it's all worked out. I'm running a 10.6.3 Snow Leopard.
HERE'S THE DUMMIES' GUIDE TO INSTALLATION, STEP BY STEP (some details may seem really elementary but I hope it'll help the mac newbies...)
#1. Copy the Civilization IV file (from "Step 1 - Civilization IV.dmg" of course..) into your Applications folder.
#2. Run through the installers for folders labeled Steps 2-4 (Update 1, Update 2, Civ IV Warlords)
#3. For the "Step 5 - Beyond the Sword.dmg" and "Step 6 - Civ4_BTS_3.19" installers, you have to actually go to your Apps folder, open the Civilization IV folder and select the main "Civilization IV" file - that's the file that should be updated, not "Civilization IV - Warlords." Then go through these two BTW installers.
#4. "Step 7 -" will release a
Civilization IV file. Drag that into your Apps/Civilization IV folder to replace the original main file.
#5. "Step 8 -" will release a Civ IV - Warlords file, drag that into your Apps/Civilization IV folder.
#6. Install Psuedo using "Step 9 - Pseudo_1.2.3.dmg" (drag and drop into Applications folder).
#7. This is the cracking step. Open "Step 10 - Civ4_Exp.140909.UBCracks.dmg." You will see three UBCrack files for Civ IV, Warlords and BTSword. Launch them one by one, choosing corresponding files in Apps/Civ IV. Here are the instructions, including some essential details that no one seems to have mentioned.
(a) For Civ IV, choose the Civ IV file under Apps/Civ IV
(b) For Warlords, when you look in Apps/Civ IV, you will see two Warlords files, one is an alias (which will not work), the right one is the the 103MB one.
(c)THIS IS THE PART THAT NO ONE SEEMS TO HAVE MENTIONED. In Finder, go to Apps/Civ IV/Beyond the Sword, copy the "Civilization IV Beyond the Sword" file. Then go back to Apps/Civ IV, and paste the file. Now under the Civ IV folder you will see two BTSword files, one is an alias (which will not work for the patching), the other is the file you just copied, 267.5MB. Now go back to the patching dmg folder ("Step 10 - Step 10 - Civ4_Exp.140909.UBCracks.dmg"), click on the BTSword UBCrack file, locate the 267.5MB BTSword file under Apps/Civ IV, then patch.
If you've patched successfully, a small green text line will appear telling you that the patching was successful.

Note: You never touch the Pseudo app after you drag and drop it into the Applications folder.

And I actually couldn't find the readme file that everyone's talking about.. So I wouldn't know if I've done something wrong, but so far the game has worked. If I encounter any problems I'll make sure to let everyone know and to come ask for help :D Enjoy! and THANKS mudbubble!
i got through steps 1-3 but whenever i try to install anything else it says "Civilization IV does not appear to be installed correctly.The installation of Civilization IV (located in /Applications) appears to be incomplete. Reinstalling may fix this problem."
Thx mate !!
it works fine for me
We just have to follow the instruction at the letter.
Mac pro 8-core 2,66ghz
Well, I can only seem to get reg CIV 4 to run, but I can live with that.
Whenever I try to to run warlords, I get an error message, and when I tried doing the crack for beyond the sword, ran into a problems with permissions, changed them, but comes up with a message about changing the permissions again, asks for admin password, but comes up with error message after I enter it, so can't start that.

Oh well, better than nothing, but if anyone has any suggestions, I'm listening, thanks.

czaneg, I ran into the same problem. Not sure if if you made the same error as me, but what I did was initially only put the civ 4 file, not the folder, into applications. For everyonelse, go ahead and laugh at silly me who forgot that all the files with the maps and programming are in the folder, not the app.

Only other problem I had was with step 7, when I tried putting in the new version, it said I lacked some privileges, wierd. Anyways, I trashed the app in the Civ 4 folder in Applications and then pasted the reissued version. If anyone knows if thats what caused my problems with the expansions, please let me know. And explain simply, Sometimes I am very much the idiot as I stated.

Thanks mudbubble andjlgreens
people if your having a problem with step 7, you have to go to the civ 4 app your replacing, and click show package contents, you have to click 'show info' on every item in the contents, then click the lock button in the bottom right corner of the info window, and select for you, 'read and write' privilege, it'll only work if all the items in the app have 'read and write'.
jigreens, thanks for the great step by step instructions! A lot more clear than the readme. Respect!
For anyone that gets the "The installation of Civilization IV is not valid" error when trying to install Warlords, try remounting the .dmg file once or twice. If that doesn't work, right-click on the installer and select Show Package Contents, then go to /Contents/Resources/ and run Civ4Warlords.pkg and it should install fine, though you'll probably have to move the files to your Civilization IV folder manually.
Guys... WTF? Nobody's stuck @ step 2? I have moved the folder "Civilization IV" from the disc image to my application folder on my external hard drive, and then I opened update 1, everything was fine until I wrote my password. It started to install, then after 2 seconds, a message says "The installation failed. The installer can't extract files from the package for Step 2 - Civ IV update 1. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.
I got all the way through step 4 but when I tried to install BTS, the installer couldn't find any file to install it to. I skipped steps 5 and 6 because of this problem and thought I could still play the game without BTS. I got through step 10 and tried to run the game but this popped up: XML Load Error failed loading XML file assets//XML\GameInfo/CIV4PlayerOptionInfos.xml.

Then another pop up: XML Error LoadXML call failed for GameInfo/CIV4PlayerOptionInfos.xml. Current XML file is:

Thats all I got
By the way I'm running OS 10.5.8
What should I do to fix the problem?
i cant open files AHHHHH HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I haven't even made it past Step 1. I drag the folder from the disk into my Application folder and when it gets to 1.02 GB downloaded it tells me this: "Finder cannot complete the operation because some data in "Assets1.fpk" could not be read or written. (Error Code -36)"

I am running on a MacBook Pro Version 10.5.8

Please help me!
If everything is installed, is Beyond the Sword the only one you need to use? Does it then contain all of the content?
To coachbird and others suffering the XML-error: I just figured this out; you need to move the entire folder named Civilization IV into applications. AND the CivIV app needs to be in the same folder. (Although, when I think about it, ou can probably place the folder wherever you like, as long as the apps are in the folder.)
And BTW guys, this fixed the "app not properly installed"-error. I ran the installation process all over after I moved the entire folder, and I had given up installing Beyond the Sword because of this error, but now it worked properly.
it says "please insert the original disk", what do i do????, p.s there was no disk involved
hey muddbubble
i need help!!! its almost my sons birthday and he's always wanted this game, but now ive downloaded it and it says please install the original disk. i tried using pseudo again but it wont patch it again, but apart from that they all patched perfectly the first time. please help me!!!
Fantastic share, works 100% on MacBook 2006 10.6.6

Follow instructions to the letter
Ok, The steps were easy until #9, where I am stuck on. every time I do the step, I get a "Please use original game disk". Can someone please tell me how to complete this step, because I have no idea how to.
What program did you use, because I'm using Daemon but it doesn't show me the files when I try to mount it.
ok im running mac osx 10.5.8

im stuck at step 5, installing BTS

i read all comments and did as usual:
drag civ 4 folder to applications
install 2 patches and warlords

then at step 5 i choose the civ 4 app for update (what seems to be the only reasonable file for it) and click continue, then i see a dropdown for BTS install 3+ Gb, but continue button is greyed und not clickable, at the top i see a BTS dropdown menu, where i see the patches and warlords and for every part it says "jump over this step" (german equivalent)

what am i doing wrong here?
i can't open pseudo
any ideas

i'm running lion so i can't open power pc applications (so it saids)

i'm running a brand new (august 2011) mac book pro 13"
still 1 problem with the beyond the sword crack i can't crack it because even the admin has only read
only system has read and write

any help please
civilization IV app works
civilization IV warlords app says something about
tag info class was incorrect
current XML is units/CIV4promotioninfos.xml

civilization IV beyond the sword still asks for disk (i couldn't get it cracked with the patcher

any ideas running macbooc pro (aug 2011) 13"
osx lion
I'm running Lion, btw.

fillpas, did you ever figure this out? Or can anyone help me. Below is the error:

"I followed the instructions from the readme that comes with the torrent... which weren't actually that clear.

I managed to patch Civ IV and Civ IV Warlords, which are working perfectly, except for a bug where you can't see the faces of the leaders properly (just their beards floating in mid air!).

I cannot however get Beyond the Sword working properly. When I open the "Step 10 - Civ4_Exp.140909.UBCracks.dmg" file, and try to use the Beyond the sword updater with the Beyond the Sword app, it doesn't work as normal.

First a window pops up saying:
"iPatch need to change permissions for these files : MacOS

Civilization IV Beyond The Sword"

You then have to allow permission change and enter your system password. After doing this another error window pops up that says

"Error (followed by a few directory paths etc)"

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? BTS is a bit different because it the torrent package didn't come with an actual zip file with cracked file to patch, or did I just miss something major?

Help please!!

Copy the main Beyond the Sword file from the Beyond The Sword subfolder to where the main Civilization IV folder. Then apply the crack to the copied file.

I had the same problem as you but this fixed it
I'm working on Lion .
The Pseudo crack doesn't on work because lion can't run POWERPC applications ...

@Vasbied how did you get it to work
I Finally Got it to work , since Pseudo doesn't work on Lion ..
Just enter terminal and type : sudo -s
then press enter and drag the crack into it . and then just open the crack
So, I got the game working fine, no issues with set up, just followed directions to the letter. But when I open the game everything is gibberish, all the writing that is, just random letter. Any one know how to fix this?
Can I delete Warlords? Because Beyond the Sword has it all?
For anyone getting the error on Lion where you cannot patch Beyond the Sword (this comes with "iPatch needs to change permissions for these files : MacOS
Civilization IV Beyond The Sword"):

1. Ctrl + click "Civilization IV Beyond the"
2. Show Package Contents
3. In the "Contents" folder, ctrl + click "Mac OS"
4. Get Info
5. Click lock, enter password
6. Give yourself read + write permissions
7. Repeat step 3 for the file "Civilization IV Beyond the Sword" within the "Mac OS" folder. This file should be a Unix Executable File.

Now apply the patch as normal.
Sorry, step 7 in my last comment should say to repeat steps 3-6.
Ryunushi, you're a life saver. Game works great on my Macbook with Lion. Anyone looking to get the game working, just follow the original instructions up until Part 3
On Lion, instead of Pseudo, use LaunchAsRoot:
Does it works on 10.8?
I got a warlords error about the xml file, and then double checked the folder it was in.

You want to make sure the cracked warlords .app is in the "warlords" folder. then it will work.

still havn't gotten beyond the sword or any of the updates to work but now the original civ iv and warlords works for me PPC G5 with leopard
also, the two update packages and the beyond the sword dmg did not work
the updates failed, and the beyond the sword dmg simply didn't mount.

so 2 out of 3 for me
lol but it's a fun game anyway
XML PROBLEM:YES Thanks Oblivione! It's pretty easy, you'll get a Civ app both in the original torrent folder, AND in a mounted image "Civilization IV". You have to use crack on the app in the original torrent folder. Then go the the "civilizations IV" folder in the mounted image and drag THAT app to the trash. Then drag the entire CIvilization IV folder from the mounted image into the original torrent folder and drag that into your applications. Works great now! (ALthought still haven't figured out how to get the Broken Swords and the other extension)
Please seed :(
Does anyone know how to find the .ini file to enable cheats? Just curious